A Letter to My Beautiful Mom
Mother’s Day 2018
Dear Mom,
A lot has changed for us this year. Things that most definitely we took for granted have become more precious a commodity than we could've known. I’m happy that this weekend is Mother’s Day because I get to show a little extra honor, but truthfully, in my heart, I’m wishing every day was Mother’s Day so I along with all of your kids could shower you with all the things you love-spending time with you, playing music, slurping on banana ice cream shakes, strolling through rose gardens, and maybe even a little traveling adventure.
Both JC and I have had numerous conversations of how as he and I grow older how we miss and love our parents even more than ever. The days/weeks that we have hosted you in our home over the last few months have been a priceless treasure. I’ll never forget the look in your eyes as you swam for the first time in a very long time. It was almost like a child that just got the hang of walking-so much freedom to move around as you liked (without knee pain). And for such a young lady, you swim like a fish! I have loved crawling in the bed with you in the mornings and staring at the ceiling and talking about anything and everything, but especially how this is the most comfortable bed in the world. And how the combination of the morning light and the bright white paint in the room makes you feel as if you are in Heaven already. It took you about 5 seconds to choose the flower of your liking at our local nursery. You’ve always had an eye for the most colorful flowers. I find myself stopping to literally smell the roses each day as I walk in my neighborhood, and snap a quick photo to share with you. The best thing that happens in my day is when I get an unexpected FaceTime call and get to show you some of the roses! I think of you always as I walk, and I pray for you.
The one thing that you’ve said to me repeatedly is how you do not wish to be a burden to me (or anyone) in this stage of life. The idea of that is the most foreign concept I can ever imagine. You may not remember, but you said it so often that JC threatened to have “I am not a burden” tattooed on your hand. I suppose to some people, an aging parent is potentially a burden for various reasons. But, never, ever to me, Mom. I think that if you would agree to it, I would actually have that tattooed on your hand so you would be reminded every time you took a bite, every time you picked up the remote, or brushed your hair. (For now, a Sharpie marker will have to do.) Over many years, you have certainly put up with me. You have held my hand through the most difficult times in my life. You have been there for me, in happiness and in pain. You have always loved me unconditionally, been patient with me, accepted me at my lowest and now you must allow me (us) to do the same for you.
What a thing, this life; out of you becoming ill, I have discovered that I have been given a second chance to show you unconditional love. You have opened my heart to such a deep compassion. Mom as I end my letter, I just want to share with you, how very much I adore you. You are a beautiful woman and I feel honored and I am so proud that you are my mother. Happy Mother's Day. See you Soon. Love, Steph
A special thank you to Blake McCollum Photography for these treasures and Sunni Stupka for fixing us up and getting us photo-ready.